6 Reasons Group Exercise Is Great as an Alternative To Addiction Recovery

Group exercise is often overlooked as an alternative to traditional addiction recovery programs. However, there are many benefits that come with group exercise. Here are five reasons group exercise is a great alternative or supplement to addiction recovery.

1. Teamwork teaches lessons about interdependence

One of the primary ways group exercise is a great addition to addiction recovery routines is its insistence on the interdependence between members. Joining a team requires each member of the team to confirm and adjust to certain norms and expectations of behavior. According to Psychology Today, this helps the team function at their maximum ability.

This dependence on one another teaches lessons about eliminating excuses, communicating openly, and respect for self and others. These are some of the most valuable lessons that someone can learn on the path to addiction recovery. Being a member of a team is something that can help any individual more clearly understand their own addiction recovery path.

2. Group exercise builds important new social connections

For some people, addiction is intricately tied up with the social relationships they have. Because of the connection between social relationship quality and addiction, it’s important that any addiction recovery program also touches on the connections that might underlie addiction. Group exercise allows you to meet other people doing something that you both enjoy, which puts you in a good social environment to avoid relapse triggers and unhealthy relationships.

Research has also shown that working out in a team can increase pain tolerance and create an endorphin surge compared to working out alone. This kind of activity can help you change your brain’s chemistry and take control of the body’s reward system, which is a critical component of creating healthy addiction recovery habits.

3. Working out with other people increases motivation

According to Science Daily, research has shown that having just one workout buddy that you exercise with consistently keeps motivation high. Having a social network is one of the most powerful ways to keep working out and achieve fitness goals. Even if you don’t know the people that you’re working out with very well, the results of studies on exercise motivation still show that social connection is the best catalyst for working out regularly.

4. Built-in accountability

Accountability is a feature of nearly every traditional approach to addiction recovery that exists. Finding accountability in an exercise partner or group is a great way to learn how to hold yourself accountable for your decisions.

Simply maintaining communication, even if it’s through an app, is a great way that both of you can work together on achieving your fitness and life goals. There are lots of places and ways for you to connect. You can exercise together in a gym, join a sports team, attend a kickboxing or yoga class, or just stream an exercise video on YouTube.

5. You don’t have to be an expert

 Another advantage of working out with a group is that you’ll find people who are on different parts of the exercise spectrum. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned expert or you’re just starting, there will almost certainly be someone there who can support you. Additionally, you don’t have to have a high level of expertise to begin. Instructors can help teach you where to start and help you learn the basics.

6. Online options offer flexibility

Participating in group exercise no longer requires you to show up at a certain time and place. Today, with online options like those offered by Brysen French, you can find a group class that works with your schedule and doesn’t even require you to leave your home or office. Keep in mind there are a few things that help make online workouts go smoothly. For example, you’ll need a reliable internet connection, a stand to secure your phone while you watch, and wireless earphones so others around you aren’t disturbed.

Some people prefer to exercise alone. However, exercising with other people is a great way to keep you accountable and motivated. You can see fruits of your success early on, which will help you in the addiction recovery process. If it works best for you, you can utilize traditional recovery methods while exercising. You can also look to exercise as a great alternative that will give you lasting results and help you on the road to recovery.

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